A Project Steering Committee (PC) was established by Ministerial Decree on October 29, 2019 by the then Minister of Finance, Economy and Planning (currently Ministry of Finance and Budget) in compliance with the loan agreement.
The PC is responsible for the supervision and monitoring of project implementation. As such, it will validate the Annual Work Program and Budget (AWPB) and the progress reports prepared by the PEB.
The composition of the PC is as follows:
A) Chairmanship:
President of the PC: The Minister of Finance and Budget or his representative;
First Vice-Chairman of the PC: The Secretary of State in charge of the Treasury or her representative;
Second Vice President of the PC: The Vice Minister of Finance and Budgets; In charge of Taxes and Contributions or his representative;
B) The members:
General Director of the Autonomous Fund for the Amortization of the Public Debt (CAADP or his representative);
General Director of Taxes (DGI) or his representative;
General Director of Customs (DGA) or his representative;
General Director of Budget or his representative;
Director of the Treasury or his representative;
General Director of International Economic and Financial Organizations or his representative;
General Director of Financial Control (DGCF) or his representative;
General Director of Autonomous Entities or his representative;
General Director of Public Accounting or his representative;
ADB Project Coordinator;
Coordinator of the CEP.
C) The secretariat of the CP meetings will be in charge of the CEP.
A representative of the African Development Bank (ADB) may participate in committee sessions as an observer.
Minister of Finance and Budgets
President of the CP
Secretary of State in Charge of the Treasury
First Vice President of the CP
Vice Minister of Finance and Budgets
Second Vice President of the CP
General Director of the Autonomous Public Debt Amortization Fund
Treasury Director
General Director of Budgets and Public Accounting
General Director of Taxes (DGI)
General Director of International Economic and Financial Organizations